As an education consultant myself I know exactly what you are talking about. Part of my frustrations regarding the ‘education conversation’ conducted by the media is that they are not going in, walking our school halls and talking with men and women, boys and girls, on the ground (our schools). And because they are the media they could expose so much. All the talking and problem-solving is really happening between folks who truly do not know what is happening in schools. It needs to stop. I encourage everyone, whether your child attends the school or not, to visit your local public schools–talk to teachers, talk to students, look at classrooms and resources, know the report card of that school and understand the grade and get CONCERNED about it!

I home school my children but am concerned and have a responsibility for all children. Our individual care and concern for ALL children will be the spark that ignites true change!

Thanks for your post!

Tall. Black. One Sugar

Before I fully got into working full time in education consultancy I was part of a band who would easily lament that teachers had it easy. Yes I had some great teachers in the past but I found it ever so easy to talk about the fact that they had long holidays, or whinged about classroom etiquette.

This was mostly formed by media.

When I started working more in the education sector as a consultant provider I did what I think a lot of media folk didn’t do. I started talking to teachers.

  • Getting under the skin of what inspired them to do the job in the first place.
  • Understanding why some burnout not because of a lack of love for the job but the administrative, target driven pressures and having to cope with behaviours that a previous generation of teachers didn’t have to deal with.
  • Comprehending the…

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